JoAnne Dahl

PhD Professor Emerita, Licensed Psychologist, Licensed Psychotherapist, Peer Reviewed ACT trainer, ACBS Fellow. Department of Psychology University of Uppsala Uppsala, Sweden.

JoAnne är delägare i Skandinaviska institutet för Evidensbaserad Psykologi AB
och examinator på institutets utbildningar. Hon föreläser, handleder, skriver böcker och har arbetat med utbildning och forskning inom evidensbaserad psykologi sedan 1970 talet. JoAnne är en av pionjärerna inom ACT i Sverige och har fått utmärkelsen ”Teaching Excellence” från The National Behavior Therapy Society

Utbildning & karriär


  • BA Earlham College, Richmond Indiana, 1973
  • MS Clinical Psychology 1978 Department of Clinical Psychology Uppsala University, Uppsala Sweden
  • Ph.D in Applied Psychology, Department of Psychology, Uppsala University, 1987 Uppsala Sweden
  • Post Doc 1989-1990 Department of Behaviour Medicine, Children’s Hospital, Harvard University, Boston
  • Docent (Associate Professor degree), 1993, Department of Psychology, Uppsala University, 
  • Full Professor promotion 2012 Department of Psychology, Uppsala University, Uppsala Sweden


  • Licensed Psychologist 1979-present
  • Licensed Psychotherapist in CBT 1992-present
  • International Recognised ACT Trainer
  • ACBS (Association for Contextual Behaviorial Science) Fellow awarded 2015


  • 1979-1989 Psychologist at Regional Rehabilitation Medicine in Örebro County Hospial, Örebro Sweden
  • 1989-1990- Post Doctoral Fellowship at Harvard University, Children’s Hospital, Department of Behavior Medicine, Boston MA USA 
  • 1990-1991- Research Clinical Psychologist at the Neurological Department at Linkoping University Hospital, Sweden 
  • 1991-1995- Chief psychologist at Sandvikens Regional Rehabilitation Unit, Sandviken Hospital , Sandviken Sweden


  • 2014 ACBS Fellow Distinction. This is the highest award given for distinction in research within ACBS
  • 2011 Award for Teaching Excellence from the National Behavior Therapy Society
  • 2009 Gold Flame Award from National Epilepsy Society for Contributions for Treatment of Epilepsy in the Developing Countries


  • Chairperson for Commission on Developing Behavioral Self Help technology for Epilepsy in the Developing Countries. International League Against Epilepsy 2003- present

Nuvarande befattning

  • Professor Emerita in Psychology, Department of Psychology, Uppsala University

Vetenskapliga publikationer

Vetenskapliga publikationer

  1. Melin, L. and Dahl, J. (1981) Effects of contingent relaxation on epileptic seizures. Journal of Psychiatric Treatment and Evaluation 3, 197-203,
  2. Brorson, L.O. and Dahl, J. (1982) The treament of epilepsy: Pharmacology and behavior therapy. Scandinavian Journal of Social Medicine 59, (in Swedish)
  3. Dahl, J. and Brorson, L.O., (1983) Behavioral Analysis of Children with epilepsy: Theory and practice. Scandinavian Journal of Behavior Therapy 12: 195-210 (in Swedish)
    Dahl. J., M
  4. Dahl. J., Melin, L., Brorson, L.O., and Schollin, (1985) J. Effects of a broad spectrum behavior modification treatment program on children with refractory seizures., Epilepsia 26: 303-309
  5. Dahl, J., Melin, L. and Lund, L., (1987) Effects of contingent relaxation treatment program on adults with refractory seizures., Epilepsia 28: 125-132
  6. Dahl, J., Melin, L. and Leissner, P., (1988)Effects of a behavioral intervention on epileptic seizure behavior and paroxysmal aktivity: A systematic replication of three cases of children with intractable epilepsy., Epilepsia 29: 172-183
  7. Dahl, J. (1988) Behavior therapy and the treatment of epilepsy, Scandinavian Journal of Behavior Therapy 17: 139-153.
  8. Dahl, J., Gustavsson, D. and Melin, L., (1990) Effects of a behavior treatment program on children with asthma., Journal of Asthma 27: 41-46.
  9. Dahl, J., Lindquist, B., Tysk, C., Leissner, P., Philipson, L., Jarnerot, G., (1991) Effects of a behavioral medicine approach to chronic constipation, Journal of Diseases in Colon and Rectum, 09.769-776.
  10. Dahl, J., Brorson, L.O. & Melin, L., (1992) Effects of a broad- spectrum behavioral treatment program on children with refractory epileptic seizures: An eight year follow-up, Epilepsia 33, 1: 98-102.
  11. Dahl, J. (1991) Ein verhaltensmedizinischer Ansatz zur Diagnostik and Behandlung bei Epilepsie. (book chapter) Epilepsie 91 Jahrestagung der deutschen Sektion der Internationalen Liga gegen, Herausgegeben von D. Scheffner, Einhorn press Verlag 303-316.
  12. Dahl, J. (1998) A Behavioral Medicine Approach to the analysis and treatment of childhood asthma, Scandinavian Journal of Behavior Therapy, 27,:1, 30-41.
  13. Johansson, C. Dahl, J., Jannert, M. Melin, L, Andersson, G. (1998) Effects of a cognitive-behavioral pain-management program. Behavioral Research and Therapy, 36, 915-930.
  14. Dahl, J. (1999) A behavioral medicine approach to epilepsy: time for a paradigm shift? Scandinavian Journal of Behavior Therapy, 28, 3 97-114.
  15. Dahl, J. Nilsson, A. (2001) Evaluation of a preventive behavioral medicine work-site intervention for public health workers at risk for developing chronic pain. European Journal of Pain, 5; 1-12.
  16. Dahl Olerud, J, & Wilson, K., (2002) Behavior Medicine. Applied Behavior Analysis: Theory and Practice, Chapter 15, eds. S. Eikeseth, F. Svartdal. Gyldendal Akademisk, ( in press) (in norwegian).
  17. Wicksell, R. & Dahl Olerud, J. (2003) Evaluation of a behavior analysis and treatment of progressive myoclonus epilepsy, type Unverricht – Lundborg: A case study. Cognitive Behavior Therapy, 32, 1, 38-46.
  18. Dahl, J, Wilson, K., Nilsson, A (2004) Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and the Treatment of Persons at Risk for Long-Term Disability Resulting from Stress and Pain Symptoms Behavior therapy.
  19. Dahl, J., Lundgren, T. (2005) Behavior Analysis of Epilepsy: Conditioning mechanisms, be-havior technology and the contribution of ACT. The Behavior Analyst Today, 6 (3), 191-202.
  20. Wicksell RK, Dahl J, Magnusson B, Olsson GL. Using acceptance and commitment therapy in the rehabilitation of an adolescent female with chronic pain: a case example. Cogn Behav Pract (2005); 12: 415–23.
  21. Lundgren, T. Dahl, J. Melin, L, Kies,, B. Evaluation of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Drug Refractory Epilepsy: A RCT trial in South Africa.—A pilot study, Epilepsia, (2006).
  22. Lundgren, T., Dahl, J., Melin, L., Yardi, N. (2008) Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Yoga for drug refractory epilepsy: A Randomized controlled trial, Epilepsy and Behavior.
  23. Lundgren, T., Dahl, J., Hayes, S. (2008) Evaluation of mediators of change in the treatment of epilepsy with acceptance and commitment therapy. Journal of Behavior Medicine.
  24. Plumb, J. Stewart, I, Dahl, J, Lundgren, T, (2009) In search of meaning: Values in Modern clinical behavior analysis, The Behavioral Analysis, 32, 85-103.
  25. Thorsell J, Finnes A, Dahl J, Lundgren T, Gybrant M, Gordh T, Buhrman M. A Comparative Study of 2 Manual-based Self-Help Interventions, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Applied Relaxation, for Persons With Chronic Pain.
  26. Clin J Pain. 2011 May 2.
    Lundgren, T. Luoma, J., Dahl, J. Strosahl, K. Melin, L. The Bull’s Eye Value Survey: a Psychometric Evaluation, Cognitive and Behavioral Practice (2012).
  27. Weineland, S., Arvidsson, D., Kakoulidis, T. P., & Dahl, J. (2012). Acceptance and commitment therapy for bariatric surgery patients, a pilot RCT. Obesity Research and Clinical Practice, 6(1), e21-e30. doi: 10.1016/j.orcp. 2011.04.004.
  28. Ly, K.H., Dahl, J., Carlbring, P. & Andersson, G. (2012). Development and initial evaluation of a smartphone application based on acceptance and commitment therapy. Springer Plus.
  29. Weineland, S, Lillis, J, Dahl, J, Measuring Experiential Avoidance in a Bariatric Surgery Population- Psychometric Properties of AAQ-W, Obesity Research in Clinical Practice (2012)
  30. Wieneland, S, Hayes, S.C. Dahl, J., Psychological Flexlibility and the Gains of Acceptance-based treatment for post-bariatric surgery: six-month follow-up and a test of the underlying model, Clinical Obesity, (2012 ß).
  31. Wieneland, S, Alfonsson, S., Dahl, J., Ghaderi, A, Development and validation of a new questionnaire measuring eating disordered behaviors post bariatric surgery Clinical Obesity (2012).
  32. Thorsell J, Finnes A, Dahl J, Lundgren T, Gybrant M, Gordh T, Buhrman M. (2011) A comparative study of 2 manual-based self-help interventions, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Applied Relaxation, for persons with chronic pain. Clinical Journal of Pain, 27(8):716-723. Erratum. (2013) Clinical Journal of Pain, 29(5):469.
  33. Thorsell Cederberg, J., Cernvall, M., Dahl, J., vonEssen, L., Ljungman, G. Acceptance as a mediator in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for persons with chronic pain? International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 23(1):21-29. 2016.
  34. Livheim, F., Tengström, A, Bond, F., Andersson, G., Dahl, J., Rosendah, I. Psychometric Properties of the Avoidance and Fusion Questionaire: A psychological measure of psychological inflexibility in Youth. Journal of Contextual Behavioural Science, 2016.
  35. Thorsell Cederberg J, Weineland Stranskov S, Dahl J, Ljungman G. (2017) Parent’s relationship to pain during children’s cancer treatment – a preliminary validation of the Pain Flexibility Scale for Parents. Journal of Pain Research, 10:507-514.
  36. Thorsell Cederberg J, Weineland Stranskov S, Dahl J, Ljungman G. Children’s relationship to pain during cancer treatment – a preliminary validation of the Pain Flexibility Scale for Children. Accepted Journal of Pain Research April 2017.
  37. Thorsell Cederberg J, Dahl J, von Essen L, Ljungman G. An acceptance-based intervention for children and adolescents with cancer experiencing pain – a single subject study. Journal of Pain Research, 2017.
  38. Finnes, A., Enebrink, P, Sample, F., Dahl, J., Ghaderi, A., Nager, A, Feldman, I. Cost-effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and a Workplace Intervention, Sickness Absence du to Mental Disorders, Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2017.
  39. Finnes A, Ghaderi A, Dahl J, Nager A, Enebrink P. Randomized Controlled Trial of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and a Workplace Intervention for Sickness Absence due to Mental Disorders. J Occup Health Psychol. (2018).
  40. Finnes A, Enebrink P, Sampaio F, Sorjonen K, Dahl J, Ghaderi A, Nager A, Feldman I. Cost-effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and a Workplace Intervention for Employees on Sickness Absence due to Mental Disorders. J Occup Environ Med. (2018).
  41. Wallin, E., Parling, T., Weineland, S., Dahl, J. (2018) Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to promote value attain- ment among individuals with overweight. A multiple baseline evaluation. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science. Accepted.
  42. Thorsell Cederberg, J, Weinerland, S. Dahl, J, Ljungman, G (2018) Validation of the Swedish Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (SAAQ) for parents of children with cancer. Journal of Contextual Behaviour Science.
  43. Finnes, A, Enebrink P, Dahl J, Ghaderi A, Nager A, Öst, LG Psychological Treatments for Return to Work in Individuals on Sickness Absence due to Common Mental Disorders or Musculoskeletal Disorders: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, in press
  44. Finnes, A, Enebrink P, Dahl J, Ghaderi A, Nager A, Deldman, I (2022) Economic evaluation of return-to-work Interventions for mental disorder-related sickness absence: two years follow-up of a randomized clinical trial.
  45. Finnes, A, Anderzen, I, Pingel, R, Dahl, J, Molin, L, Lytsy, P (2021) Comparing the Efficacy of Multidisciplinary Assessment and Treatment, or Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, with Treatment as Usual on Health Outcomes in Women on Long-Term Sick Leave—A Randomised Controlled Trial.


  • Dahl, J., (1990) A behavior medicine approach to epilepsy, (book chapter) Peadiatric Epilepsy, Wrightson Biomedical Publishing Ltd, Hampshire, UK,
  • Dahl, J. Lundgren, T. 2006) Acceptance and Committment Therapy (ACT) in the Treatment of Chronic Pain (In Mindfulness-Based Treatment Approaches, Ruth Baer (Ed) Elsevier
  • Robinson, P., Gregg, J., Dahl, J Lundgren, T.(2004) ACT in Medical Settings, In Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: A Practical Guide, S. Hayes & K. Strosahl (EDS) Springer, New York
  • Dahl Olerud, J, & Wilson, K., (2003) Behavior Medicine. Applied Behavior Analysis: Theory and Practice, Chapter 15, eds. S. Eikeseth, F. Svartdal. Gyldendal Akademisk, (in norwegian)
  • Dahl JC, Lundgren TL. Conditioning mechanisms, behavior technology, and contextual behavior therapy. In: Schachter SC, Holmes GL, Trenité DG, eds. Behavioral aspects of epilepsy: principles & practice. New York: Demos, 2008:245-252.

Vetenskapliga böcker

  1. Dahl, J., Epilepsy: A behavior medicine approach to assessment and treatment, A handbook for professionals working with epilepsy, (250 pages) Hogrefe & Huber Publishers, Gottingen, Seattle, 1992
  2. Dahl, J., Wilson, K. G., Luciano, C., & Hayes, S. C. (2005). Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Chronic Pain. Reno, NV: Context Press.
  3. Dahl, J. Lundgren, T. Living Beyond Your Pain, New Harbinger, 2006
  4. Dahl, J. Lundgren, T. Släpp Taget om Smärtan, Wahlström & Widstrand (2008)
  5. Dahl, J. Plumb, Stewart, I, Lundgren, T The Art and Science of valuing in Psychotherapy, New Harbinger, 2009
  6. Lillis, j. Dahl, J. Weineland, S. The Diet Trap: Feed Your Psychological Needs and End the Weight Loss Struggle Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, New Harbinger 2014
  7. ACT and RFT in Relationships: Helping Clients Deepen Intimacy and Maintain Healthy Commitments Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Relational Frame Theory JoAnne Dahl (Author), Ian Stewart (Author), Christopher Martell (Author), Jonathan S Kaplan New Harbinger 2014